Linda Alexander is passionate about not only educating patients about fertility treatment options, but also empowering those on their journey to fulfill their goals. These goals may start with Egg Freezing Fertility Preservation or become the desire of starting or expanding a family. What defines a family is unique to all and it is a privilege to help patients achieve their dreams come true.
Linda has always worked in Women’s Healthcare. Immediately after graduating from Widener University, she started as a Labor and Delivery nurse at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Shortly thereafter, she obtained her master’s from the University of California, San Francisco as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. Not satisfied with only providing care for women before and after pregnancy, she returned for another master’s program at the Frontier School for Midwifery and earned her Midwifery CNM.
Linda spent many years delivering hundreds of babies, loving every moment of it. What pulled at her heartstrings was her own fertility challenges she had previously endured and felt the calling to assist others longing to have children. During her experience, she felt that only her hormones were being treated, but she as a person, was not being treated. Linda wanted to be apart of a team that provides a more patient centered and holistic approach to fertility care but cutting edge and evidence-based treatments.
In 2008, Linda left the world of delivering babies and has devoted herself full-time to assisting those seeking help through reproductive technology from time intercourse, IUIs, IVF and through Third-Party reproduction. She desires to meet each patient’s individual goals and honor their individual needs.
In Linda’s spare time, she has become a self-taught master cake designer and enjoys all things craft related. She also loves to travel when possible and her family is her greatest joy.